Download Why I Love You

  1. Why I Love You Song
  2. Download Why I Love You Song By Major
  1. Why I Love You Lyrics: I found love in you / And I've learned to love me too / Never have I felt that I could be all that you see / It's like our hearts have intertwined into the perfect harmony.
  2. Why I Love You Lyrics: I found love in you / And I've learned to love me too / Never have I felt that I could be all that you see / It's like our hearts have intertwined into the perfect harmony.
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“Why I Love You” DIY Book

A beautiful gift, a sweet reminder… this printable book is a great way to let your spouse know that you love them. Make a list of 100 reasons why you love him or her and put it in a special format: A “What I Love About You” book. You’ll have just as much fun putting together this book of reasons why you love your spouse as they have reading it!

I found love In you And I've learned to love me too Never have i felt That i could be all that you see It's like our hearts have intertwined Into the perfect harmony This is why i love you Ooh this is why i love you Because you love me You love me This is why i love you Ooh this is why i love you.

Having a physical book that your spouse can refer back to also helps make this gift a keepsake. Think how much you would love reading a list titled “100 Reasons Why I Love You” that your spouse had spent time filling out!

Do You Love “Why I Love You” Lists?

Lists. I LOVE them. Starting one on a fresh piece of paper, adding to it, crossing things off, and the best…seeing one through to completion! I wanted to make a list this year for my husband. In addition to celebrating our anniversary coming up, I wanted a nice loooooong list of all the reasons why I am still so in love with him. I was totally inspired by this beautiful poem written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning:

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height

My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight

For the ends of being and ideal grace.

I love thee to the level of every day’s

Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.

I love thee freely, as men strive for right.

I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.

I love thee with the passion put to use

In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.

I love thee with a love I seemed to lose

With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,

Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,

I shall but love thee better after death.

Doesn’t that poem make you smile? Now think about how your husband will feel when you give him this book filled with 100 reasons why you love HIM!! Pure Joy!! We think that physical products can hold so many memories, so we have everything you need for a “Reasons Why I Love You” DIY book!
Don’t hold back, now is the time to get counting because we are aiming for 100! 🙂

Turn Your Reasons Into A “Why I Love You” Book

Courtney at Paperelli designed this brilliant book for us. She did such an amazing job, I just love how pretty it is! And it’s meant to be printed out double sided, after that you just have to fold and fill out!

When you print your book out, make sure you do the whole thing since you want to have all 100 numbers in it. We also suggest printing a practice (in black and white to save ink!) just incase your printer flips the “back” image. Our copy shot here in town printed it out perfect the first time – so if you are worried send it off to a local printer and just let them know that this is a book, so all the pages need to be facing the same direction!

Now is the time to let the brainstorming begin!! Start thinking about the reasons you fell in love with your husband in the first place…was he an amazing kisser, was it his eyes, or the way he gave you butterflies in your stomach? I’d suggest jotting notes down on a separate piece of paper while you get your thoughts together.

If you start at the beginning of your relationship then you can move your way through the years! This will make your “100 Reasons Why I Love You” book chronological, in addition to just making it easier to think of all the reasons overall.

The Reasons are Endless for Why I Love You

Even with as amazing as all of our husbands are, 100 reasons why you are in love with them is still {gulp} a lot- but never fear- the Dating Divas are here to help you out!

I asked the Dating Diva team to list a few reasons why they are so in love with their husbands and we have compiled a lists of over 180 reasons! Check them out below and use any that work for your relationship, feel free to modify some, or just use them to help you in your own brainstorming.

A Few Reasons Why We Love our Husbands

Diva Julie’s Reasons

1. You picked me!

2. Together we are raising our children in a very happy home.

3. You love to share your thoughts on books that you are reading with me.

4. You teach our children fun and crazy things.

5. You care about how I feel.

6. We spend lots of time talking about decisions we need to make together.

7. You tell me I am beautiful!

8. You take out the garbage so I don’t have to.

9. You are my best friend.

10. You encourage me by always eating my cooking and telling me it is good!

Diva Emily’s Reasons Why I Love You

11. Your eyes smile when you laugh.

12. You kiss me goodbye when I’m still asleep in the morning.

13. You busy into song around the house and you have the most beautiful voice.

14. You watch my girly shows with me.

15. You let me talk out loud in movies to you.

16. You always open the car door for me.

17. You eat everything I cook with zero complaints!

18. You’re always saving funny memes on your phone to show me later because you want me to laugh too.

19. You tell me I’m the most beautiful woman in the world.

20. Your face on our wedding day was the purest bad happiest face ever.

Diva Jennifer’s Reasons

21. When I say “Let’s run errands, you go here, I’ll go there,” you say, “nope, let’s just go together.”

22. You made chocolate chip pancakes for everyone on Sunday… again!

23. You unflinchingly help me untangle the last 10% of every project I undertake

24. You told me I looked pretty yesterday

25. You made a musical instrument with our daughter, of which she is SO proud!

26. You never give up on me, even when I’m at my worst.

27. You turn on the seat warmer in the car for me

28. Because you always swap the wet towels for dry ones when you know I’m showering after you.

29. Because when things don’t go as planned, you roll with it, instead of getting stressed.

30. Because I miss you… even when you’re in the next room.

31. Because when I fell running, you were kind to my knees.

32. I love you every time you reach across our giant bed to pull me close.

33. Because you’d rather come to bed with me than watch a tv show

34. Because when I finish yet another road race, I’m always greeted by your text, “did you win?”

35. Because without you, the tv, thermostat, and wifi would never actually function.

36. You have done an amazing job with every one of our kids, on their own terms.

37. You are my intellectual equal, you meet every challenge I present with wisdom and insight that astounds me.

38. Because your dreams are my dreams.

39. You stop and treat me to Starbucks!

40. Because even at 51, you are the sexiest man I’ve ever, ever seen!

Diva Kari’s Reasons Why I Love You

41. You know me better than I know myself.

42. You are always willing to help me accomplish my goals.

43. You put my needs before your own.

44. You have an inner strength that helps keep me calm when my life is in chaos.

45. You have the ability to comfort me simply by your touch.

46. I love how are able to make me laugh, even when the situation shouldn’t be funny.

47. I love how you put so much thought into everything you do for me.

48. You have an innate ability to protect and take care of me.

49. You are always pushing me to be better and my biggest fan in all that I do.

50. You make all of my dreams come true, no matter how small they are.

Diva Tara’s Reasons

51. You inspire me.

52. You are my best friend!

53. You are my other half.

54. You believe in me.

55. You make the dark a little less scary.

56. You love me even when it’s “that time” of the month!

57. I love that your hand fits perfectly with mine.

58. You make me feel so safe.

59. You don’t just tell me you love me, you show me.

60. You know how to cheer me up when I’m sad.

61. You’re always there when I need a shoulder to cry on.

62. I love that you can make me laugh… REALLY hard!

63. I love that you ask about my day.

64. Your kisses make me weak in the knees.

65. You are everything I never knew I needed.

66. If all I had was you, it would be enough.

67. I love that you let me cuddle up REALLY close to you… even when you are dying of heat.

68. I love that you make my fears melt away.

69. I love that you love me back.

70. I love that you take care of me when I forget to.

Diva Paige’s Reasons Why I Love You

71. You wake up with the kids so I can sleep in every weekend!

72. You know when to help and when to let me do it myself!

73. You work hard so that I can stay home and enjoy raising our children!

74. You’re the calm to my crazy!

75. You go shopping with me and are super patient as I take my time and try things on!

76. You compliment me (and mean it)!

77. You do the dishes (yuck!).

78. Your patience is unreal!

79. You always keep a promise.

80. You may not always agree with my decisions but you always trust me to make them!

81. You’re a realist.

82. You love me for the good and the bad!

83. You’ll do anything to make me happy!

84. You’ll give me a massage anytime I ask (and I ask a lot).

85. You make the best homemade milkshakes!

86. You allow and engage when you can in my Starbucks addiction!

87. You are the only person I can eat Sushi with!

88. You love unconditionally.

89. You love being a father (and you’re pretty good at it {wink wink})!

90. You have passion in all that you do!

100. I love that you are the person I get to spend the rest of my life with because with you I know that no day will be the same (or easy) but it will always be filled with love and effort!

101. You keep the thermostat set warmer than usual because you know I’m cold year ‘round!

Diva Chrissy’s Reasons

102: You take SUCH great care of the kids.

103: You rub my feet on Friday nights.

104: You support all of my personal interests & hobbies.

105: You give me heartfelt compliments when you think I look pretty.

106: You encourage me after I feel like I’ve failed.

107: You eat whatever I make, even when it’s a complete disaster.

108: You love my family, even though they’re crazy!

109: You take care of your health.

110: You teach our kids how to be respectful.

111: You make delicious desserts!

Diva Hilary’s Reasons Why I Love You

112: You always give me the benefit of the doubt

113: We have a blast just being together

114: You get in the kitchen and cook with me, and lots of times without me

115: You are an awesome daddy!!

116: You are a hard worker

117: You always support me

118: You know how to do anything electronic

119: You are smokin hot!

120: I love your snuggles

121: You always open my car door

Diva Stacy’s Reasons

122: You carry the heaviest groceries in yourself

123: You know how to put me first.

124: You’re a big softie when it comes to kids

125: You treat my family like your own

126: You have given me spectacular memories.

127: Your hugs can always make me feel better.

128: You give sincere compliments.

129: You treat me like a lady, even when I look like a hobo.

130: You’re not afraid to be silly with me

131: You have the courage to chase your dreams

Download Why I Love You

Diva Becca’s Reasons Why I Love You

132. You can always make me laugh even when I want to cry.

133. You still give me butterflies.

134. You freely share everything you have with me.

135. You know the secret, little things that cheer me up and make me happy.

136. You only seem to notice my strengths and always have confidence in me.

137. You always have an idea of something fun to do.

138. You make me feel completely cherished and adored.

139. You make me feel like I can get through anything, as long as I have you.

140. You sacrifice and work so hard, without even realizing that you are.

141. You take care of me and spoil me when I’m sick.

142. You always make time for just the two of us.

143. You look at me like I’m the most beautiful person in the world.

144. You can fix ANYTHING that breaks!

145. You always ask my opinion.

146. You still kiss my forehead, open doors for me, and kiss me at red lights.

147. You check on the girls and give them kisses every night before going to bed.

148. You always smell good!

149. You always help with the cooking, cleaning, and diaper changing.

Download why i love you by major

150. You make ordinary, extraordinary!

Diva Ferren’s Reasons

151. You always help me see the silver linings when my sky is full of gray clouds.

152. You laugh at my jokes, even if they aren’t that funny.

153. You support me in all my crazy endeavors such as work, school and running!

154. You work so hard so that I can be a stay at home mom and go to school!


155. You say I look beautiful even when I don’t think I do.

156. You always ask for my opinion before making big decisions.

157. You help out with diapers and a crying baby at night.

158. You make me smile and laugh, even when I’m down.

159. You are still just as chivalrous as when we were dating.

160. I love that our love grows every day!

Diva Wendy’s Reasons Why I Love You

161. Your charming ways! It doesn’t matter if we are laughing or arguing, it comes out and makes us both smile!

162. Your unconditional patience with everything!

163. You can cook! YEP you might be better than I am!

164. Your testimony of the gospel and dedication to family and work that allows our family to be successful and for me to stay home with my kids!

165. Your complimenting me 24/7, on my best and worst days.

166. You are undeniably in LOVE with me and prove it in every way!

167. You are most definitely handsome/hot in every way!

168. You are the best dad any kid could ask for! Getting down in the rubble to be a kid again.

169. You are incredibly hot while doing the dishes!

170. Because you waited for me (in a sense) until I finally decided it was time to say I do!

Diva Candice’s Reasons

171. You can fix anything!

172. You never complain or roll your eyes when I ask you to get rid of a spider.

Why I Love You Song

173. I know that I can come to you with a request to fix or build something for an upcoming party and you will always find a creative solution.

174. You are an incredible father and provider for our family.

175. You always offer to bring me soup if I’m not feeling well.

176. You are a gentleman!

177. You are always up for a travel adventure– love creating memories with you!

178. You believe in my creative talents and support my hobbies.

179. You give amazing hugs.

180. You make me pancakes even though you can’t stand them and would prefer waffles.

Download Why I Love You Song By Major

181. You genuinely want to hear my opinion and value my perspective.

Why Write Out “Reasons Why I Love You”

As much as each of The Dating Divas love their husbands, not one of us can say we are married to a perfect man, and we don’t claim to be perfect wives either. We all experience the ups, downs, and challenges of married life just like each of you. However, we have each realized, that the more we focus on the positive aspects of our spouse and marriage, the better each of our marriages become:) I hope you enjoy creating this book for the love of your life and find new ways to show your love for each other every single day!

Most importantly, keep sharing that love! If you love this idea, read our post teaching you how to create an ABC’s of US book. Or Sarina created an Exploding Love Box that is sure to dazzle!

For more ideas on how to tell your spouse how much you love them try out our Love Letters 2.0 or some Printable Candy Gram Posters!