Fast Internet But Slow Download

  1. How To Fix Upload Speed Issues
  2. Fast Internet But Slow Download Speed Windows 10

Slow internet connections happen for various reasons, even when you pay for a high-speed connection such as DSL or cable. Because the internet is built on hundreds of different technologies trying to talk to one another, there are many places where data can slow down before it reaches your computer screen.

What's Wrong with my Internet Speed?

There are several reasons high-speed internet performs slower than expected. Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) might be at fault, certainly, but there are other factors to look at before assigning blame. Some of these slow points are within your control and can be quickly fixed with a little do-it-yourself effort.

Fast internet but slow download speed maxhaslach Dec 19, 2016, 9:51 AM So I just got att gigabit internet, and I ran some speedtests on my phone and it was 250down and 300up which seems about. Fast internet, slow download speeds. It was from the same site, we have the same internet, yet he was downloading with 2.6MB/s while I was downloading with 1.338MB/s and it stayed like that for the remaining 40 minutes. Didn't even move at one point, while his went from 2.1 to 2.6 over 10 minutes. Slow Download.

  • You might have an old router or modem connecting you to the internet connection. If it has been a few years since you got your equipment, its time to upgrade. Check with your ISP.

  • Your modem or router may not be configured correctly. Check the documentation that came with the equipment or go to the manufacturer's website.

  • Perhaps you have neighbors who 'borrow' your wireless connection. Prevent this by password protecting your wireless network. You should do this even if you aren't having speed concerns.

  • Your web browser could have add-ons and plugin features that are consuming bandwidth.

  • Your web browser might have security features enabled that hold back pages while safety scans are performed.

  • Your modem-router may not be using the most current technology — 802.11ac routers are much faster than 802.11b, 802.11g or 802.11n routers.

  • You might have malware that is infecting your computer and secretly using your internet bandwidth to send spam and distribute pornography. Run antivirus software regularly to prevent this.

  • If you are a torrent user, your uploads might be running in the background and choking your bandwidth.

  • A download may be occurring in the background, and you are unaware of it.

  • Your internet service provider may be having issues routing signals to you. Contact the ISP with your concerns.

  • Your DNS (domain name system) tables might be outdated, so signals are sent to the wrong addresses on your ISP network.

  • Your browser memory cache is so full, your browser has to slow down to allow for the limited hard drive space. Clear the cache, selectively or completely.

  • Radio or microwave devices in your home might be degrading your internet wireless signal. Don't locate your router, modem or computer near the kitchen microwave or a radio-based phone.

  • Position your router and modem nearer your computer or vice versa. Distance causes a slowdown in speed.

  • Your computer is more than three years old and is not able to move electrons fast enough for modern web pages. You can't do much about this other than buy a new computer, if feasible.

  • You have unwittingly left dozens of windows open in the background, and they are clogging your computer CPU. Check the Task Manager and close unwanted programs or browser windows.

  • A dialog box is sitting open and unanswered in the computer background, stalling your computer CPU while it awaits your Yes/No input.

  • You live in a huge house, and your router is in the basement. Add an internet booster midway between the basement and your computer to strengthen the signal and improve speed.

    Take Action

    These are just some of many possible your internet speed may be slow. If you think that your internet connection is unreasonably slow, take these actions.

  • Perform a speed test on your computer using a website like speed testing or Repeat the test several times a day to see if the speed varies widely.

  • Troubleshoot your computer using a troubleshooting list for your internet connection.

  • Contact your ISP and explain your concerns. Only the ISP can test the signal coming into your home and tell you whether it is a high-speed signal. The ISP troubleshoots and corrects the problem if it lies with their service. If the signal is strong to your home, you and your equipment are responsible for the speed the rest of the distance.

I have been fighting this problem for several months after the Fall Creators Update without success: When I start my PC fresh, I get fast internet download speed of 60 Mbps, which is the speed of my Cox Internet plan. After one hour or so, the download speed drops down to 0.3 Mbps. When I try to restart, there is ALWAYS a warning saying, 'This program is preventing Windows from shutting down'. I have closed ALL programs before the restart. There is no active programs running in the Task Manager. This happens every time that I noticed the extremely slow internet speed and tried to restart. I have to force it to restart and to regain my internet speed back to 60 Mbps. So my routine every day is as follows: Start my PC fresh, then restart my PC again every one hour or so due to extremely slow internet speed. This happens at work, at home., during the day, during late night, or 1-5AM in the morning before work. I have confirmed that it is not due to Cox Internet. I believe it is this mysterious program that is running in the background that does not show up on the Task Manager. It takes up almost all my internet bandwidth and choke my internet speed to almost zero. It is happening everyday, all day long. I have tried anti-virus by Kaspersky, Windows Defender, and Webroot. All have same results.

Fast Internet But Slow Download

How To Fix Upload Speed Issues

Do anyone know how to find out what is this unidentified program running in the background that slows the internet speed to 0.3Mbps consistently? It is running in the background and preventing the PC from shutting down? Does something inside Windows 10 have anything to do with this? I have turned off 'Allow downloads from Other PCs' in the setting. I have watched the Memory and CPU usage for all items running in Task Manager. Nothing seemed to consume much to slow down my internet net speed to such extreme low speed.

Fast Internet But Slow Download Speed Windows 10

Can someone share some thoughts on this? Any help will be deeply appreciated!!