Pools Of Radiance Ruins Of Myth Drannor Download

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We go hands-on with a near final of this huge RPG.
By IGN Staff

As you can see in the multiple preview updates below, we've been keeping an eye on the new Pool of Radiance for quite a while now, but there are still more details to clue you in on before the review. I recently had the chance to spend quite a bit of time with a near-final of the game, and let's just say that things are turning out quite nicely.

One of the things that the recent D&D games have lacked is true turn-based gameplay. While in Baldur's Gate you could pause the action to think out your tactics, everyone still attacked like a horde of Zerglings in Starcraft. In Pool of Radiance, you are able to set the gameplay to be 100% turn-based, all the way up to the real time chaos that Badlur's Gate fans may be more accustomed to. A handy slider in the options screen that can be adjusted at any time does all this, and it's a very welcome addition to the next generation of D&D PC games.

Next up, the simplified interface is in place, and while it can take a little getting used to after the last couple years of the Infinity Engine's split view, it is actually very functional. Simply right click on a character and you get the full range of options from viewing their character sheet to casting spells and using items in your inventory. For the most part, you have a completely full and unobstructed view of the screen. At the top left corner of the screen is an initiative bar that shows the order of combat, while at the bottom of the screen you have a bar where you can access the map and options and another bar for your party. Right clicking on your characters, enemies, and objects activates everything else. Thankfully, almost every action can also be carried out by a series of hotkey commands, which can shorten down the right clicking a bit.

One of the nice little additions to the gameplay with this type of interface is the ability to interact with objects. Say you see a barrel. Now, some characters would look in it and carefully extract the contents, but not all characters are that sophisticated. A Half-Orc Monk, who isn't exactly on the bright side, wouldn't carefully open a container to find what is inside, he'd smash it to bits. When you click on many barrels and containers in the game you'd have the option to open, search, and even smash them. It's a small thing, but it is nice to see.

On the party bar, you are also able to create your own custom formations. The way you do this is by placing each character where you want them to be when in formation, then click the 'formation' button. When you regroup, they will then be standing right where you want them to be. Also, the party bar is where you activate the camp function. If the button is green, its safe, while yellow means it may or may not be safe and red is (of course) danger.

While the game does feature full voice acting for key scenes, it also features an actual working DM. Occasionally, you'll see a message from the DM when you want to do something but you can't such as attempting to take one more action per round than you are allowed to. Also, the DM will give descriptive dialog for various objects and events, which is easily differentiated from other text simply because it's colored blue while regular text is white.

Graphically, the game has almost completely come together. Since the engine uses 3D characters on 2D pre-rendered backgrounds, the characters have a much wider and more fluid series of animations. For example, the characters will have one animation for walking, but when they are running in to attack a monster they will have their weapoon drawn over their head ready for battle. Hell, just walking along they look a lot more lifelike than characters in previous D&D RPGs. If that wasn't enough, even the spell effects look great with almost each one having a different graphic look and some filling the screen with color.

Everything is coming together very well in Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. The gameplay is solid, the graphics are great, and the story is your classic D&D tale. It's safe to say that I'm not the only one in the office that's looking forward to playing through this 60-hour RPG. Expect a review shortly after the game is released, which is currently slated for sometime this fall.

--Jeremy Conrad

E3 2001

The official newsletter being handed out here at E3 suggests that in order to find a great game, just find the largest clouds. Given that information I had no problem seeking out Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor, which was surrounded by a sweaty horde of drooling D&D nuts. Eventually I was able to make my way through the crowd so I could get a good, long look at SSI's highly anticipated RPG based on the Forgotten Realms universe with the 3rd edition D&D rule set.

If you haven't yet heard about this game you're missing out. PoR uses a delicate combination of gorgeous 3D graphics, numerous highly detailed animations and one of the sleekest interfaces I have ever seen in an RPG to create a truly profound and enjoyable roleplaying experience; even for gamers completely unfamiliar with the D&D universe.

Since Tal gave an overview of PoR's physical appearance in his earlier previews, I will just write briefly on the subject. Each character is richly detailed with impressive full 3d models. And the terrain itself, also found in three dimensions, also looks sharp, with varied landscapes covering a huge gameworld. What I found most stimulating about PoR's appearance were the spell animations, each of which have been vigorously crafted with vibrant colors and slick details. If you've seen the screenshots, then you already know how cool the game looks.

If Pool of Radiance's gameplay is anything like its graphics, then the gaming world is in for a sweet, scrumptious treat. And after sitting down with associate producer Chuck Yager this afternoon, I'm convinced that PoR will be able to deliver on all cylinders. Yager informed me that the total experience will now last up to 100 hours (with more than half dedicated to the critical portion of the game) rather than his earlier estimate of 65-70. The game will also come equipped with 52 single player questions (20 of which are critical) and unlimited, randomized multiplayer lovin'.

What impressed me most about PoR's gameplay was its smooth, windows/menu-based interface, giving the user full control over the action without excess clutter. Rather than utilizing the bar/split screen interface found in a game such as Baldur's Gate, SSI's has decided to pursue a simpler, sleeker system that will allow players to control their characters primarily through the right mouse button and customizable hotkeys. Equipping characters, manual attacks and spell casting are so simple to execute that could easily support a real time battle system (even though PoR uses the traditional D&D turn based system).

And the best part about Pool of Radiance is that its essentially finished! Hardcore fans who have been drooling over this gem for quite some time now will be able to get their hands on it just in time to spend the last days of summer locked in the computer dungeon (August 2001 of those of you unable to put two and two together).

-- Michael Perlo

May 30, 2000

The big RPG freaks here at IGNPC, Trent, Steve, and myself, all played the original Pool of Radiance when it was first released way back in 1988, so we've been keeping a keen eye on SSI and Stormfront's continuation of the classic RPG since we first heard about it. When Producer Jon Kromrey stopped by our offices last week with the latest build in tow, we got a chance to see the game a little more intimately than at a big, busy venue like E3, and he showed us a bit more of what we can expect from this RPG based on the 3rd Edition AD&D rules.

Much of what the team has been working on since the last time we saw Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor revolves around the look of the game. There are all new character models and animations, plenty of new spell effects, and full 3D lighting. All in all the game is looking extremely well detailed, especially for an RPG, which have traditionally relied on story for atmosphere rather than stunning visuals and neat graphical tricks. As a testimony to the design detail, Jon showed us several of the outdoor and indoor maps, as well as the day/night cycle in the game. The undead are much more active at night, so you had better be cautious after the sun goes down unless you've acquired the services of a good Cleric or Paladin. It's all looking pretty spectacular at this point. One of the things that we were really impressed with was the fact that the character models actually look like the beings they represent. For example, the Dwarf models are short, stocky, and stand at a little over three feet, while the Elf models are about five feet tall and lanky. And my personal favorite model, the new Half-Orc player character, measures in at over seven feet tall and resembles the Hulk...and who doesn't like the Hulk?

In addition to the graphical touches, the Stormfront team has been busy making a slew of interface enhancements. As it stands now, the interface is looking extremely intuitive, and your hands rarely have to travel to the keyboard as most everything can be accomplished with the tap of a mouse button. You can click on any of your characters and access a quick pop-up menu with a bevy of action options depending on where and what your character is doing at the time, and the drag and drop inventory system promises to keep item management as easy as possible.

From the sound of things, the new AD&D rules are going to be much simpler and more logical than in the past. Instead of being based on a 21-point scale from negative 10 to 10, now armor class is only ranked on a positive scale and it's also cumulative, so if you find a +2 shield and your armor class was 10, then you'd have a 12AC. Get it? Good. Character stats are now open-ended, and there's no more 18-point cap (or 25 point magical cap). Now you can have a 53 strength (or more) if you have enough enhancements. You'll also be able to increase one of your basic statistics by one point every three levels in the game, so if you're lacking in a few areas, its just a matter of trudging through some dungeons before you can enhance your weaker stats.

Another big change in the 3rd Edition Rules is in the experience point system. Under the 3rd Edition Rules, experience is standardized, so every class progresses in levels at the same rate. For example, now everyone hits level two at 1,000 experience points. It's also much simpler to multiclass under the 3rd Edition Rules, so you can move between the eight basic classes in the game -- Paladin, Monk, Fighter, Barbarian, Sorcerer, Rogue, Cleric, and Ranger -- easier than ever before. There are no racial limitations on class now, so you can move between any of the various professions, but there are favored classes for each race. For example, Dwarves make better warrior types than magic-slingers. It doesn't mean that Dwarves can't be Sorcerers, but you will get an experience point hit if they choose a class that's not suited to your race.

Although Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor is set in a fantasy world, the dev team is making sure that the game works like you think it would. To this effect, they're making the fantasy world react like you would expect the real world to react. We've already talked about how you can manipulate chairs, tables, and other objects in the game in our earlier preview, but the design team is looking at adding a lot of little details to the game to make it feel right. They're really focusing on every little detail in the game. For example, the armor you wear will determine the sound you make and how your character animates when you move. The team at Stormfront is even taking weapon length into account. If your character is outfitted with a pole arm, then (s)he can hit from a much farther distance than a character with a dagger. And elevation will actually have a bearing in combat situations, so if you have the high ground, you'll have a slight advantage. These little touches make the game world that much more immersive, and mimic what you would expect in a tabletop RPG.

Jon also showed us more of the multiplayer system, which promises to be a completely different experience than the single-player game with the addition of random dungeons. We also learned that there will be no player killing in multiplay, although your team can be hurt with area effect spells, so if you're feeling particularly evil...

At this point things are looking good with Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor, but the team still has a ways to go. Right now Stormfront is adding a lot of content to the game, and when it's all done it should be a huge RPG (expect approximately 60 to 80 hours of gameplay) that follows in the tradition of the original gold box series. Look for Ruins of Myth Drannor this November, and look for even more on the game once Mattel Interactive can say more about the 3rd Edition Rules the game is based around.

-- Tal Blevins

December 24, 1999

There are some moments that are etched eternally into the minds of old school RPG fans: the invisible maze at the end of Might & Magic II, the light-extinguishing tunnels at the end of Bard's Tale, and the nigh-invulnerable Ronald McDonald lookalike of Ultima II. In the early days of RPG gaming, fledgling developers were doing everything they could to interest a larger audience in the wonders of the computer roleplaying game. But even with the constant flow of innovation and imagination that was coming out of the CRPG market, pen and paper gamers never were very happy with the idea of leaving behind their favorite characters and adventures. Fortunately, SSI stepped in and changed everything by convincing tabletop RPG giant TSR that computer games were the next step for their license. Inspired by their new acquisition, SSI set about developing a roleplaying engine that would be as true to the spirit of the original game as current technology would allow. The results were truly unforgettable. The gold box series, as SSI's four-title set came to be known, is fondly remembered as one of the greatest gaming experiences in the history of the PC. For the first time players could sit down and play a good game of AD&D, complete with spells, encumbrance and time rules, and realistic NPCs without having to dig up a swarm of books, charts and dice, and more importantly, without having to convince five other people that it was a good time to play.

All good things must come to an end though, and eventually SSI's deal with TSR ran out. TSR offered their now extremely desirable license to other companies and SSI returned their concentration to simulations. Now, over a decade later, SSI and TSR have teamed up again to attempt to recreate the magic of the original series while at the same time introducing an all-new set of tabletop rules. In Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor, SSI will continue the tale it began so long ago but this time with the very latest in graphics, sound and interface design as well as the all new Third Edition AD&D Rules due out later this year from Wizards of the Coast (who recently gobbled up TSR). After listening to us whine for a few months, the developers finally decided to give us a quick peek at what they've got up their sleeves. While the game is still shrouded in secrecy, we were able to see enough to convince us that this is what RPG fans have been waiting for a long time.

Let's start with the story. I don't have space here to detail the events that unfolded in Pool of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, Secret of the Silver Blades and Pools of Darkness. If you're really interested, consult your local library or a crusty old RPG fans for the full tale. Since the time of those adventures though, things have been pretty quiet in the city of New Phlan (at least as quiet as the Forgotten Realms world ever is). Recently though, the Pool beneath the city has reactivated and tendrils of undeath have started emerging from its waters. To stop this threat, Elminster gathers a group of very powerful adventurers (read: not you) and sends them to Myth Drannor with the Gauntlets of Moander to destroy the source of the Pool of Radiance. You are also enlisted by the wizard, but for the more mundane task of clean-up. Shortly after the adventuring party steps through the portal to Myth Drannor, Elminster realizes that they aren't reporting back as planned. He decides to send you to find out what's going on. You step through the portal into the dark and dangerous world of Myth Drannor and discover the original adventuring party ¿ dead at your feet. From here you must brave the dark world of Myth Drannor in an attempt to find out what's going wrong and, if possible, to put a stop to it once and for all. To this end, you'll be able to create four characters and you'll have slots for two more to join you along the way. Starting as puny 1st level characters, you and your teammates will have the opportunity to build yourself all the way to 16th level during the course of the game.


We tried to push the design team for a little more information, but they're keeping their lips pretty tightly sealed for now. We were able to get one member of the team (who shall remain nameless) to tell us that the game will be, 'very undead heavy,' and that it will, 'tie into some popular Forgotten Realms names, including Elminster and people from his past.' We also heard another team member talking about a heavy Drow influence. While he wouldn't elaborate, he did warn us that, unlike you typical RPG where just about every bad guy you come in contact with will eventually fall to your sword, Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor will feature some, 'big bad Drow that you're not going to want to fight.' Cool. The last little bit of info we squeeze out of the guys had to do with the game's attitude towards adveturing and storyline progression. While there will definitely be a major tale going on the team has no intention of introducing players to a cool place like Myth Drannor without giving them a chance to poke around a little bit. John Kromrey, the game's Producer explains saying, 'For single player who really wants to explore the mysteries of Myth Drannor, they'll be lots and lots of different side missions.'

Okay, lots of games have cool storylines, but how's it going to play? When I stopped by the SSI offices last week, they already had a version of the game running and I have to tell you, things are already looking pretty damn good. The basic interface resembles that of Baldur's Gate in a lot of ways. You look at the action from a similar ¿ view, controlling your characters simply by selecting them with the mouse and then clicking where you want them to go. But Stormfront Studios, the team working on Pool of Radiance, is trying to make gathering information on your surroundings a little easier than it has been in games already on shelves. By right clicking on any object or creature in the game (including your player characters) you will bring up a quick information box that gives you all the currently available details. This keeps you from having to jump back and forth between a lot of different subscreens when you only want basic information. Another major step towards the recreation of tabletop roleplaying is the fact that just about every object portrayed in Pool of Radiance can be manipulated. Need to get at something on the wall that you can't reach? Try pushing a table to the location and stand on it. Worried about a monster that's chasing you into a room? Shut the door and then block it with whatever's at hand. This same push for realism is found in the games use of the third dimension. If you can get the high ground during a fight, by standing on a table or by climbing a few stairs, you'll earn a +2 to hit. Last but not least, the game will also give you a chance not only to put your characters into different fighting or travelling formations, but also to create your own formations - a handy feature when you're dealing with situations that are anything but normal. As with the original Gold Box Series, SSI's goal here is to recreate as closely as possible the actual rules of AD&D without bogging the player down in a ton of graphs and charts.

Unfortunately, the AD&D rules they're trying to recreate, the Third Edition Rules, haven't been released to the public yet, so the team can't talk a lot right now about many of the cool things that will be included in the final release. We do know that players will be able to create Fighters, Rangers, Clerics, Barbarians, Sorcerers and Rogues of Human, Dwarf, Halfling, Elf, Half-Orc or Half-Elf stock. The problem is, we just don't know if that's the extent of what will be included in the game. On the magic side, the team plans to include over 100 different spells from the Third Edition Rules. While no one was willing to risk the wrath of Wizards of the Coast to tell us what some of the new spells will be, they did show us the effects for a couple of familiar spells, Mass Charm and Incendiary Cloud. From what we've seen, not only do the spells look great, but they work exactly like the rulebook says they should, a fact that allows a certain flexibility in their use. So what about monsters? Kromrey told that there would be, '30 different monsters not even counting some of the special derivations.' We caught a quick peek at the Ogre, Lizardman, Dark Naga, Margoyle, Gargoyle, Ormyrr, Spectre, Shadow, and a huge Skeletal Dragon that stands as the most impressive creature I've ever seen in an RPG.

In fact, Stormfront has gone all out to make this game as beautiful as they possibly can. The aforementioned Skeletal Dragon took up nearly a quarter of the screen and moved with the grace and smoothness of a cat. Where there we holes in its putrid wings, you could see the ground or other body parts where they belonged. Best of all, this all held up during animation. The player characters have also been rendered with exceptional skill, each one featuring a load of different motions far outside the walk/run/swing standards we've gotten so used to. All of the creatures in the game are huge in comparison to Baldur's Gate, a fact that really comes through in the attention to detail that the team is already known for. While I sat looking at one particular model and his animations, I noticed that I could actually see him breathing. In addition to incredibly smooth monster and character animations, the team has really focused on architectural design trying to figure out the way buildings should look before they set about modeling them. The results are already quite impressive. All of the Elven buildings are breathtaking, most of them featuring at least one giant statue or garden. Kromrey explained the artistic vision saying, ' In Myth Drannor, we have a lot of freedom to do really cool looking buildings and art. Elves like anthropomorphic buildings, so that's what we built.' The game will also feature scores of excellent plot animations to carry the story along and to act as rewards when you finish some major task.

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One of the things that Baldur's Gate added to the RPG arena was solid multiplayer options. Stormfront intends to pick up this ball and keep running with it. Pool of Radiance will feature modem play for up to four people and network play (through IPX) for up to six, all playing cooperatively. Stepping away from the one person one character setup, Stormfront is instead letting players decide how many players they want to control themselves. Here's an example: if two players decide to take on a little multiplayer action, they can each control three characters (provided they're playing over a network), they can each control one and us computer characters for the extra slots, or one player can control five characters and the other can control one. Stormfront has been designing the multiplayer experience as part of the game and plan for it to be very different from the single player experience.

Myth Drannor Map

Obviously, there's still a lot of work to go into this game before it hits shelves next winter. Even so, I was blown away by what I saw at the development studios in a way that is very rare for me after ten years of looking at pre-beta demos. If Stormfront manages to stay on track, this game will almost certainly open up a whole new era of RPG gaming. Keep watching IGNPC for more information on Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor as soon as we can convince the developers to speak up. Oh, and for more information on the game's storyline and characters, be sure to pop over to the game's official website.

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-- Trent C. Ward