Unable To Download Apps On Android


I can't seem to download Android Studio at all. I go to the official download page of AS, but nothing happens. I get no Pop-ups or nothing, and my internet connection is fine. Please help.

Describes workarounds for an error that contains random numbers when you download Office apps from the Google Play store.


Nov 2, 2016 - Fix: Unable to download Android apps from the Play Store. As we all know, the greatest advantage of the Android OS is an extreme quantity. Google Play Store app errors look distressing but are easy to fix. See the most common Android error codes and instructions on how to fix Play Store errors. Unable to download apps? - posted in Android OS: I have a recently purchased Samsung Galaxy S5 and am just learning the ropes of smartphones. The problem at the moment is that I cannot display GPS. Then try your download again. Get more help with connection problems on Android devices. Step 2: Clear the cache & data of the Play Store. This gives the app a fresh start and can help fix issues. Open your device's Settings app. Tap Apps & notifications See all apps. Scroll down and tap Google Play Store. Tap Storage Clear Cache. Jan 13, 2015 - from your internal storage to your SD card, or move apps from your. Apps and music were already stored in the SD, since I'm not able to.

closed as unclear what you're asking by Braiam, Machavity, Nisse Engström, Mogsdad, Paul RoubJul 25 '16 at 18:25

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2 Answers

Try switching your explorer : Chrome -> Firefox or Firefox-> Chrome or Edge -> Chrome


Strangely, I could actually reproduce this - the download wouldn't start, in Firefox only. However, when viewing the downloads section of the page, it does work. Just the big 'Download' button at the top of the page does not work.

For reference, here's the direct download link, for Windows: (You probably don't want to use this, it'll be otdated by the time you read)

Best Apps On Android

  • https://dl.google.com/dl/android/studio/install/ (Version 3.0.1, ~700MB)

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Fix a problem with your Android device when downloading apps in Google Play where you encounter an error that says “app could not be downloaded due to error. (963)“.

Error 963 occurs because the device can’t write the data required to download the app for some reason. You can usually clear up the problem with these steps.

  1. Go to “Settings” > “Apps” > “Google Play Store” > “Storage“.
  2. Select the “Clear data” button.
  3. Go back to the list of apps, then select the app that you were downloading.
  4. If the app is stored on the SD card, tap “Move to device storage“. If not, proceed to next step.
  5. Select “Storage“, then select “Clear data” for the app.

Unable To Download Apps On Android Pc

Attempt to download the app again. If it doesn’t work, try these steps:

  1. Go to “Settings” > “Apps” > “Google Play Store” > “Uninstall updates” > “Uninstall“.
  2. Go back to the list of apps, then select “Google Play Services“.
  3. Select “Uninstall updates” > “Uninstall“.

If you have an HTC phone, try this:

  • Go to “Settings” > “Apps” > “HTC Lock Screen” > “Uninstall updates” > “Uninstall“.

Attempt to download the app again.

If you have an Amazon Kindle Fire device, try these steps:

  1. From the , open “Settings” > “Apps & Games” > “Manage All Applications“.
  2. Swipe over to the right to show “All” apps.
  3. Select the app you wish to remove, then select “Uninstall“.

If none of the above steps work and your Android has an SD card for external storage, you may want to try unmounting to SD card using these steps:

  • Go to “Settings” > “Storage” > “Unmount SD Card“.

Attempt to download the app again, then restart your phone.